Ye olde wisdom

The storms can build but are still controlled by God! A soft spoken word in authority is better than the noise of confusion and unrequited desire. 









Whence comes the rain to pour

down sheets of wet regret to cover,

doth thou not pretend it so manly to

hide befallen tears too soon to blubber,

wail in the darkness of thine grief…

bespeak the heart to tears of woe,

Son, mine Fadir sayeth, to naught

holden them back… Son, let them flow,

grieve naught for this lack of want…

mine sorrow known ’tis but lack to turn,

share the contents of your heart to

be with thine tears of hand to spurn,

thinketh long on thou surety of brow…

those thoughts whilest owned by tears,

let it go, Son, let it go… grow with it and

such fears won’t linger on for years. 


Can anything good come from a want of our past… faced again today with a bitterness of heart? I’d say No… profoundly not, resentment then: clouds our eyes, blinds our eyes and will harden the heart- where hate can fester (like a sliver) and the pain calls out to respond with hatred as the motivator. This applies to everything mankind tries… to everything mankind does, even if it is done for the wrong reasons God can make it right!


It is from the heart a man/woman exposes love or hate. We still have time to love one another while light (the church) is with us.

“Let me teach thee… “


What sayeth a man’s soul to its own gain
if it has naught but wander’d to sequester’d spot…
a spot be told to trainest the obdurate, open
thee thou mind and heart, thy deaf ears to plot
within plot, dismount the detestable guile
of said intellect, findest in thine hands no sport…
let me teach thee of mercy’s spirit tried and true!


Secure thou thine treasures all if they exist
here, allow no rumors to fealty or doubt to burst,
pardon thy servants according to thy beliefs and
double same efforts for your Brother, this be trust,
lest nobler things fain another’s eyes to heart…
salute no treachery as gold or be led by death’s curst…
let me teach thee of mercy’s spirit tried and true!


Divine nothing! Cherish love for love’s sake and
seekest thee no labor’d folly, know thee thine worth,
be naught a knave of conceit… an expositor of jest
to tempt such rationale, truant of deception couth,
parry not with words to mask intent, be thine own
person with merit, worthy a heart worn old in growth…
let me teach thee of mercy’s spirit tried and true!


obdurate… stubbornly refusing to change one’s mind or course of actions taken.

fain… compelled by circumstances; obliged to proceed.

divine… to discover by guesswork or intuition, to forecast the future.

couth… to be known, not unknown.

“Estrella War XXXI, Queen Creek, AZ., 2015… Part II- Writing during event”©

“Keepest thou free… fail thee not”©

Fail thee not… not the age of reason found lest

childhood rear its ugly head to tantrum’s fit,

fail thee not… not the learned to know societies

loss, whence led to failure’s folly, without pain,

fail thee not… not sought to wonder one’s purpose

without considering the weather, coming rain,

fail thee not… not to see true beauty whence found

and loyalty measured, valor doth mean more to few,

fail thee not… bestow acknowledging compensation

due a royal lest they become a pain in arse to be,

fail thee not… control what thou canst, mind what

thou cannot, and remember family keepest thou free,

fail thee not… not to underestimate an opponent in

open combat or risk loss to limb or life so dear,

fail thee not… not to know the difference of said

pleasure sought, layeth not concern for vixen’s tool,

fail thee not… fail not to feed the mind, body and

soul- thoughts new, belly fed and spirit full.

A view to combat

A view to combat

“Company can be found”©

Lost souls meander ’til picked up by wolf or lamb,

another doth there be… company can be found,

whence camest thou sure story to glory in thine

own; therein headed to the ground… to the ground.

Said once and heard naught, sorrow felt as pity

in City-State or Country Fair… fair none lament,

brought it upon thine own self… ‘To thine own self

be true’, seekest the profit to cost of life as spent,

vanity lies in shallow grave… noble in a crypt,

thy duty lies to life so full, endowed as thou gavest,

pretense the Harlequin on checkered floor… smile

the more to misguide those you save, those you savest.

A morning stretch to please any onlookers.

A morning stretch to attract… or to please any onlookers.

“Seasons bring a leaf to fall”©

Restless felt, be thou ‘twitchy’… naught left to breeze,

peril to thy purposed actions creates one such unease,

lost in a melaise of busy… of doing things harbors change

and dost plague thee of marvel whence known to rearrange,

what path… what trail followed sets us to our motion…

the echos past, if envy sought, steals thine own devotion,

twirling’ in the change of wind hence turning season…

fall to spring, the cycles ring to life and true reason,

grow toward growth and stay steady thy feet to path,

time doth soften loss but sorrows held grown to wrath…

seek renewed passion once known well and fondly,

speaketh well and tarry not for heart and soul beg kindly.

A leaf of brass.

A leaf of brass.

“Whence but tears fall on all the sand thou touchest”©

It is our village and to keep it clean a must…

this so pure in thought as for a neighbor, trust,

without said motive seen… even behavior known,

no human end justifies the means we’ve been shown.

If not a village then what? A stepping stone to life…

whose life is spared whence foretold of such strife?

This is where sorrow builds up or breaks us down…

to envision life in rags or embellished with finest gown,

keep thou thy promise of peace or be known unseen…

n’er to be trusted whence found lies doth thou mean,

peace left to and for thy own ways is pure deceit,

no angel told thee to kill another to be complete…

completely insane to deny another life to cherish,

deception comes full circle for some doth perish,

it is our village… either knowest thou love or naught,

if naught then seen thy must… thou wert n’er taught.

Warring with each other is the lesson learned... so much for peace!

Warring with each other is the lesson learned… so much for peace!

“Tend ye the bore of hope”©

Pluck thine envy from amongst thy sum of parts…

lest thou fall prey to demon spawn with carts,

carried beyond destination sought to suffer blame…

darkness within you to rule and ruin thy name,

devise it so to be more noble hearted by chance…

set for coming rains and mete¹ prepared perchance,

tend the bore² of hope… of love and tarry not…

sally forth to honor, herb’d of grace as sought,

alack, to choose to weep for pillows of the grave…

carest naught for thine own, all things else to save,

penury³ lasts but to season, lose not its memory scorn…

leaner days show us spoil’d, cloth now worn and torn,

heavy thine own heart to bear appear’d quite so plain…

so like the sheeted dead to tell us of their pain,

held to long benighted to be seen or heard no more…

revenge no pride be host’d, toss’d to score of chore,

find fairer days to favor warmth so kind by way…

warned of fardelsweight and plight to labour’s say.

1… measure out, allotted

2… the caliber, strength

3… extreme poverty, being destitute

4… labours

“Taunt to Thy light”©

With Thee thine own aspire to closeness secure;

argal, doth thou raise thine arms, thou art glad,

for thine hands Thou hast appointed and anointed

Thee servants of old, Thine heart for man laden sad,

Hearest naught and careth naught for thee lost…

hearth of Thine own desire produced Thy furnace,

the furnace of fire quenched by trial’s sorrow…

the morrow finds Thee Thy servant’s circumstance,

with Thee found great joy, patience endureth to

benighted plight thine enemy wouldest foist…

Thou art God, Thine servants sought Thee out,

Thy grace and mercy, in love, beseeched gains hoist,

for Thee thy bosom labours, taunt to Thy light,

triumph cometh thrust through virtue sought right.

This inspired by another’s endeavor… to create a sonnet in Olde English stylized writing, one Khalique Rahman.

“Wisdom is naught found by dialectic”©

Marvel naught at the Ides of March, those things that

cause the sway of the minds of men thereof…

for is naught the mind and eye naught susceptible to

thine own deeds, the customs and things wrought by

the hands of men, wrought solely as Earth-mensuration,

wherefore found pleasing in instrument but then’st to see,

nay… understand it as but a tool for fools that they be.

To wit… forthwith and without goeth naught, one can’st

train the mind to folly and so methinks refrain so telling

in this endeavor is more overrated than is it naught…

telling of the mechanisms so contrived to such set practices,

devotion to what gained a man; which hath naught said

skills be proportional to labours livelihood, manifest virtue,

‘ere to abandon them naught wise, to disavow or to eschew.

Whence trained and skilled in deception, to be benighted in

thine own philosophy and set in motion the planets of heaven,

the path that leads all others askew… naught found related to

mind and heart the form of discretion thereof, whatsoever it be,

thou be warned this day and hence forth, the workings of a man’s

mind can’st but tell the shadows of truth, be he naught in the light…

save for God alone, in therewith truth prevails man and reckons sight.

“Let’s teach our children better than this”©

Disregard the nationality of the man…

should this be so overt by one’s plan,

and see it as a ‘human rights’ issue,

the man imprisoned in Iran for belief…

should we not implore and cause relief?

If we don’t try is to grab another tissue.

Hands up we gain an American wife tears,

left alone for years and unresolved fears…

and our children see their fate we’d ensue.

When we leave one behind… we can be left behind ourselves. Is this the lesson we are trying to tell our children, to ensure this generation leaves not one shred of concern… ensuring our children do this same thing to us when it is their time?

There is a push for more signatures to ‘free an imprisoned Father’ in an Iranian prison for what he believes. You can go to…    and sign this to help, more than a half MILLION AMERICANS have already done this. The slogan right now is,”Reach three” (more), and we could really use your help… won’t you help free an American Father [also an American Pastor] and his Family from this nightmare?

See what the UDHR [Universal Declaration of Human Rights] says on this and ask yourself two questions, did Iran vote in favor of this and does it act as if it cares to honor what it has agreed to?

“Petals of youth”©

Canst thine eyes naught glimmer and

twinkle, beckoning like new fallen snow,

doth thou naught bubble like mead, warm

and friendly, I’ve seen thee… I know,

thine hand ever kind and holpen, and I’ll

be holding thee tight, young maiden faire,

for thou art a thing of beauty known…

with mind and heart with gouden hair,

mine hand hath held near many a hand

and to blush the young cheeks do turn,

to bandy about the affairs of the heart

but in morning pass to women nocturne,

the difference of girls, to talk and be loud

as can be, pick me a flower they say,

thou knowest eyes of a woman speak their

choice, the chance for men often pray.